Sunday, 27 February 2011

Armenian revolution of Reform #1mar

@hpNYR, a young NY based activist is trying to single-handedly spark a social media-driven revolution in Armenia. The key word is 'single-handedly' here, because looking at the statistics he's getting, you know the guy hasn't got either much help, or support.

We've seen videos go viral in Armenia (e.g. violence at school) and get 10-20,000 views per day. So I guess 113 views for a rapping-cool pro-opposition YouTube video hours after it has been uploaded hardly counts for a smashing hit.

The Facebook group with 350 followers 2 hours after it started and 368 followers after another 23 hours, is not revolutionary dynamics either.

The official Twitter hashtag for the revolution is #1mar is pointing to some interesting discussions on Armenian opposition's online activity. However, so far it isn't rendering much of real activity so far.

Is there a solution? I don't know. Here's a sensible piece of advice.

On the other hand, if @hpNYR actually achieves some more impressive statistics, we will actually learn a lot of new things about social networking activity in Armenia. Before that happens, I'll stick with my old views expressed here.

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