Saturday, 11 December 2010

YouTube lifts 15-minute time-limit for more users

The video file upload section in my YouTube account today looked like this. "Congratulations! Your account is now enabled for uploads longer than 15 minutes," the information note above the upload button said. Cool... I seldom make videos longer than 3 minutes, but knowing there are no limits certainly feels great!
Back in July YouTube raised the upload limit to 15 minutes for all users. Starting past Thursday, they began allowing selected users with a history of complying with the YouTube Community Guidelines and copyright rules to upload videos that are longer than 15 minutes.

I'm pretty sure that this change will be rolled out to most YouTube users pretty soon. Let's wait and see.

This launch has been made possible in part by the continued advances in the Content ID system, as well as our other tools for copyright owners. YouTube says over 1000 global partners use Content ID to manage their content on YouTube, including every major U.S. movie studio and music label.

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Blogger Yorkfield said...

I have been a very active YouTuber. But since I see everybody around me getting this allowance, I really lose interest in continuing because I have not been enabled yet, and neither have anz of my other three YouTube accounts been enabled.

I could cry !!!

16 December 2010 at 19:52  

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