Sunday, 27 February 2011

Google Cloud Connect: killing Microsoft one step at a time

Google announced an amazingly convenient plugin/service - "Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office," which it says will bring collaborative multi-person editing to "the familiar Microsoft® Office experience."
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Armenian revolution of Reform #1mar

@hpNYR, a young NY based activist is trying to single-handedly spark a social media-driven revolution in Armenia. The key word is 'single-handedly' here, because looking at the statistics he's getting, you know the guy hasn't got either much help, or support.
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Saturday, 26 February 2011

Infographic: World map of social networks

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Is it possible to monitor Facebook?

An interesting tendency in the Armenian online discussions: talks about Facebook being monitored of even controlled are getting more and more active. The opposition claims they have done a research that reveal enormous support for HAK . Bloggers argue that it is technically impossible to discover such a thing. See Observer's post on this.

On the other hand journalist Gohar Veziryan has announced that after her Facebook updates about particular political events/figures she is receiving phone calls and suspicious friends requests. She says that the postings by her oppositional friends are being monitored. Here is the discussion on this.

So, as it appears both sides are monitoring Facebook :)

Is it possible to monitor Facebook discussions and comments? As someone who has recently got into sphere of marketing I know that it’s possible to identify certain topics and words for marketing purposes. And as an Anthropology graduate I have learned to do internet ethnography studying and analysing Facebook content in particular.

And of course, you do not need a special training to see recent developments of the Arabic world and how the governments can and do block internet communication.

There is no tool as such for monitoring Facebook in the way it is being discussed in Armenia. But Facebook is a public place, even though it seems to be the most private one from the online public platforms. If you are an activist and want to deliver your message you have to have friends that you don’t really know and who consequently can just monitor your activities.

The thing is that Armenian Facebook was not being taken seriously by the government (there were not that many people, it was just a socializing website, lots of silly pics, etc…). But maybe now they have decided to be part of the game using the methods they are most familiar with. Threatening journalists is not a new method, but until know they didn’t consider Facebook postings influential enough to have them deleted/controlled/spammed with comments, etc.

Will this change the tone and the atmosphere of Facebook discussions? Well, I wonder what will be going on in the election period.

Monday, 21 February 2011

What Google learned in 2010

Interesting to see what people were looking for in 2010.

One of the findings: 75% of patients research symptoms online before discussing them with the doctor.

GALA Standoff

The tale of GALA TV's bitter standoff with Armenian authorities. See what happens when a TV company wants to retain its editorial independence. Second part.

WARNING: The film is highly subjective and biased. But the facts are there.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Ray McGovern dragged out of Hillary Clinton "Freedom Speech"

Now that you've seen the video, do you want to know who's the man being dragged out of the room and why?
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Saturday, 19 February 2011

Facebook and Twitter Are Changing the Middle East

In an interview with WSJ's Alan Murray, social media expert Clay Shirky discusses the effect of Facebook, Twitter and other social media in the recent uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, and what it could mean for the Middle East at large.

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Friday, 18 February 2011

Documentary Exposes shocking truth behind the economic crisis of 2008

The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major financial insiders, politicians and journalists, Academy Award® nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson's new film INSIDE JOB traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted politics, regulation and academia.

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Thursday, 17 February 2011

Ադրբեջանամետ հայ երգահանը

Ասացի` դնեմ բլոգումս, պատմության համար պետք կգա...

Technology and voting

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Media Watchdog says authorities routinely harass journalists in Armenia

"New broadcast law gives regulators broad powers to revoke TV licenses. Gala TV, a rare critical broadcaster, faces array of government pressures," international media watchdog Committee to Protect Journalists says in its global survey of attacks on Press Freedom published today. Below are extracts from the report.
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Monday, 14 February 2011

Այսուհետ IP-հասցները տակից են տալու...

Ինչպես տեղեկանում ենք Գուգլի պաշտոնական բլոգից IPv4 ստանդարտի համացանցային ազատ հասցեները վերջանալու են 2012 թվականի մոտերքում։
Ի՞նչ է IPv4-հասցեն։ Դա տեսքի հասցե է, ուր xxx = 0-ից մինչև 255, և որը կիրառվում է համացանցում եղած սարքը՝ համակարգիչը, router-ը և այլն, տարբերելու համար։ Օրինակ՝ համակարգչիս IP-հասցեն հիմա սա է.
Դեռ 1998 թվականից մշակված է IP6 հասցեների համակարգը, ուր հնարավոր հասցեների քանակն այնքան շատ է, որ... մի խոսքով, շատ-շատ է :) Սակայն նոր համակարգին անցնելը բավականին ճռռալով է առաջ գնում. 2008 թվականին Գուգլի տվյալներով համացանցում երևացող սարքերի մեկ տոկոսից էլ պակաս մասն ուներ IPv6 հասցեներ։
Այս տարվա հունիսի ութին նախատեսվում է անցկացնել այսպես կոչված «IPv6-ի համաշխարհային օր» (World IPv6 Day) ուր մի շարք խոշոր ընկերություններ փորձարկելու են այդ ստանդարտով աշխատող ցանցեր։
Հա, ի դեպ, IPv6 հասցեավորմամբ ցանցն աշխատելու է ներկա IPv4 ցանցին զուգահեռ։ Այնպես որ, եթե ճիշտ եմ հասկանում, կարիք չի լինի բոլոր ցանցային սարքավորումները փոխելու։ Բայց աղ, լուցկի, մոմ համենայն դեպս գնեք ;)

Source: Ahousekeeper

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Democracy and Map of South Caucasus Telecom Infrastructure has posted a map of internet and telecommunication's infrastructure in the Black See region, covering 3 South Caucasian countries. Here's an interesting observation:
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Tuesday, 8 February 2011

E-Club: Role of social media in Egypt developments

Monday, 7 February 2011

The Babe Theory of Revolutions

View more presentations from Artur Papyan.


Լիզա լիմուրի բալլադը, էկոլոգիան ու նախանձը

Փոքրիկ տղայիս համար ինտերնետում մանկական երգեր էի փնտրում՝ մեկ էլ պատահաբար ընկա Լիզա լիմուրի պատմության վրա։ Ու մի տեսակ՝ սիրտս նեղվեց… նախանձից, իհարկե…
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YouTube rolls out updated embed code which is more friendly to HTML5

YouTube has enhanced its video embedding code and now it uses iframe-s and looks like this:
Example: (I found out about this when trying to embed Gary Moore video, so sorry about his death, great musician).

The good thing about the new code, is that your viewers will be able to view your embedded video in either Flash or HTML5 player, depending on their viewing environment and preferences. This is especially good for iPhone and iPad users, who don't have Flash.

An additional benefit of the new embed style is that it will eventually allow embeds to work on mobile devices, which typically use a built-in player instead of Flash or HTML5.

By the way, most modern browsers support HTML5, but in order for you to be able to playback YouTube in HTML5 you might want to join YouTube's HTML5 tiral.

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Thursday, 3 February 2011

Turkish hackers deface nearly 7000 websites in an anti-Armenian campaign

A group of Turkish hackers who call themselves “Turkish group of 1923” have launched a campaign against the international recognition of Armenian Genocide.Read more »

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Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Interactive budget 2011 on Armenian Government's website

Taking a hint from Civilitas Foundation's initiative last year, the Armenian Government has published an impressive interactive infographic on this year's Armenian budget.
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Tuesday, 1 February 2011

FB Armenia: Popular social net attracts more and more Armenian users | 01.02.11 | 14:03 --The number of Armenian users of the Facebook social network has increased by 20,000 since November, totaling 120,000, and according to Information Technology specialist and blogger Artur Papyan, has doubled in the past six months.
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Ես ու Մանուն «Ինտերակտիվի» հանդիսատեսի համար բզբզում ենք որոնողական համակարգերը

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